p: 250-656-1107
e: info@proulxcpa.ca

105 - 9717 Third St
Sidney, BC V8L 3A3


Darren J. Proulx, CGA

We aim to be that friendly partner

We truly enjoy what we do here at Darren J. Proulx, CPA, but we also know that for most of our clients, accounting — taxes, estate planning, business incorporation, investment strategies, GST filings, bookkeeping — are pretty much the opposite of fun. If you’re nervous about your financial situation, worried about planning for the future, find taxes boring or confusing, or just need to use your time in other ways, wouldn’t having a friend who can help really improve the whole experience? At Darren J. Proulx, CPA, we aim to be that friendly partner who can answer your tax questions, help you solve problems, and just make the whole experience of understanding and handling your accounting needs simpler and easier. Give us a call today, and let us start working on making your personal, estate, or business tax and accounting  situation add up to more than just puzzle pieces.